Bran – Food for Healthy Leaving

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What is bran? Bran is, as textbooks for agricultural institutes from USSR said, a byproduct of flour milling. In other words, before flour grinding seed covers are removed and made pig feedstuff. The rest are grinded to flour. The brighter flour the higher its grade. This picture shows a structure of a grain. At graded milling only starchy endosperm is used to make flour, the rest makes bran. In this way all the healthy micronutrients, vitamins, fiber, and germ are in bran. Wheat and rye bran contain a lot of B and PP vitamins; germ contains vitamin E which is called the vitamin of youth, beauty, and sex for its rejuvenating properties. Besides, bran contains 30-40% of fiber. “Dietary fiber is not a substance that may be defined as a chemical compound. It consists of several groups of vegetative substances that enormously vary depending on a type of a plant. In general, dietary fiber is a generic name that describes carbohydrates group or compounds derived from carbohydrates that have three characteristics: they are not digested by digestive enzymes of a human body; they are able to get into large intestine, and they have some influence on the digestive tract. In human diet almost all the fiber is from grain and other seeds covers, fruits and vegetables. Each plant has its own and unique combination of fiber types. “… Researchers say that dietary fiber in various ways lowers general amount of food consumed. It fills a stomach, providing with fullness, and releases peptides that regulate appetite including cholecystokinin, and pancreatic gland polypeptide. Fiber fermentation products, as well as other still not identified compounds related to fiber, may suppress appetite too”. Extraction from the book: “Healing Power of Grain” by Maurine B. Kin, Danielle Chaise.

Автор:WM Creative

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