Whole Grain Wheat Pasta “Health” No.1 with Fiber (1kg)


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Whole Grain Wheat Pasta “Health” No.1 with Fiber (1kg)

Ingredients: whole wheat flour, wheat bran (5%), drinking water.

Taste: original cereal aftertaste, can be compared with the taste of bread with bran.

They contain fiber and grain germ, reduce weight, cholesterol, sugar, eliminate dysbiosis, remove toxins and toxins.

People with diabetes can use it!

Awarded Golden Medals at the international tasting competition WORLD FOOD – 2011


at the department “Technology of bread, confectionery, pasta and food concentrates”, having familiarized with these pasta, I came to the conclusion:

“… Health pasta made from whole-ground grain, have a significantly higher biological value, increased content of minerals, vitamin B1, B2, PP and E, compared to traditional pasta. This allows you to attribute them to health food products. Regular use of this product will help improve intestinal motility, lower cholesterol and blood sugar, and eliminate harmful substances from the organism. “

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