Groats mixture “HEALTH” – INTELLECT, 300g
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The components of the cereal mixture are specially selected to INCREASE THE MENTAL ABILITIES OF A MAN!
This recipe was developed by a dietitian doctor, candidate of medical sciences BAGRY Vita.
This mixture is approved by the experts of the “European Institute of Healthy Nutrition” and is recommended for use as a product with beneficial properties.
The cereal mixture “ZDOROVIE” in 2021 became a prize-winner in the international tasting competition “FAVORITE FOOD & DRINKS-2021” and was awarded the Silver medal for its taste!
COMPOSITION: bulgur, fiber (hemp, walnut, flax, sesame), spicy-aromatic mixture (red and green paprika, whole white mustard, onion and green onions, carrots, parsnip and parsley roots, garlic, tomato)
From one pack of porridge, weighing 300g, you will receive 900g of a tasty and healthy ready-made dish, which is quite enough for 3-4 servings.
Method of preparation: Rinse groats from a large bag. Pour into a cauldron with 0.8-1l of cold water, bring to a boil. Cook over low heat until almost cooked (10-15 minutes). Pour in the contents of the second package (with impurities and herbs), salt to taste, mix thoroughly. If necessary and desired to obtain the desired consistency of porridge, you can add more boiling water. Cook for another 5 minutes. Add butter (optional). After cooking, stand the porridge for 15-20 minutes.
Cook in a slow cooker on the “stew” or “Porridge” mode.
100 g of product:
Proteins 10.0
Fats 1.8
incl. saturated fatty acids 0.1
Carbohydrates 67.3
incl. sugar 0.2
Salt 0.1
CALORIUS: kJ 1362.4
kcal 325.8