WHY WEAT IS GOLDISH, BUT FLOUR IS WHITE? Formerly flour was much darker. But humanity’s need for beauty leaded to graded flour milling. Flour of the highest grade differs from the first grade only in “brightness” and “ash content”. How is it done? At first grain coats, aleurone layers, and germ (which leave flour without vitamins, minerals, and fiber) are removed. All of that is considered ballast layer and go to bran. Then flour with minerals particles becomes second grade flour; brighter flour becomes first grade one, and, finally, the brightest flour becomes the highest grade flour. But what is left in it? Only protein (that is why it is white) and starch are left. Our predecessors have been producing flour with simple millstone mill, where whole grains were grinded, without grades division, i.e., what is in, that is out. But this method has its downsides: First of all, all the garbage, contained in grains, has been grinded together with it. Secondly, “sand”, unavoidably generated by friction of millstones, has been getting in flour. Our innovative technology allowed producing coarse whole-grain flour on modern equipment by operating on the traditional principle of whole grains grinding, without all its above mentioned downsides!

Coarse Wheat Flour

Автор:WM Creative

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